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Years ago I began a practice of outlining books or articles that were significant enough that I wanted to be able to retain as much of the information as possible. For example, I will start reading with a pen in hand, underlining as I go. Once I finish a chapter, I open my wordprocessor and put together a detailed outline of what I read. The outline generally will include annotations, direct quotations, and my comments. Then I go on to read the next chapter, outlining each one until I'm finished. When I'm done with a book I might have as many as 50 pages of notes on it. This exercise helps me retain what I have read. I also can go back at a later date and review my notes to refresh my memory of what I have studied. Interested readers can peruse my notes as a digest and review.


Date Finished

Title of Book or Article


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Worldviews In Conflict: Choosing Christianity in a World of Ideas
(Book published by Zondervan, 1992)

Ronald Nash


The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate
(Book published by IVP Academic, 2009)

John Walton


Born Crucified
(Book published by Moody Press, 1945)

L.E. Maxwell


Love Wins
(Book published by Harper One, 2011)
Not an endorsement of this book.

Rob Bell


Baptism: Archeological, Historical, Biblical
(Book published by Joshua Press, 2004)

F.M. Buhler


The Almost Christian Discovered
(Book published by Soli Deo Gloria, 1995)

Matthew Mead


Justified by Faith, Judged According to Works:
Another Look at a Pauline Paradox
(Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, June 2009, pages 223-39)

Dane Ortlund


Return to Rome: Confessions of an Evangelical Catholic
(Book published by Brazos Press, 2009)



Getting the Gospel Right:
Assessing the Reformation and the New Perspective on Paul
(Book published by Banner of Truth Trust, 2006)

Cornelis P. Venema


Essay 12 - Did I Really Leave the Holy Catholic Church?
The Journey into Evangelical Faith and Experience

(Pages 268-293 in the Book Roman Catholicism)

William Webster


The Attractions of the New Perspective on Paul
(25 Page Transcript of a paper given in Jackson, Mississippi and Glasgow, Scotland)

J. Ligon Duncan


Upon This Slipper Rock - Countering Roman Catholic Claims to Authority
(Book published by Calvary Press, 2002)

Eric Svendson


Calvinism, Hyper-Calvinism and Arminianism
(Book published by The Nicene Council)

Ken Talbot and
Gary Crampton


God and Evil - The Problem Solved
(Book published by The Trinity Foundation)

Gordon Clark


How Shall We Then Live?

Francis Schaeffer



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